Ein Sommernachtstraum - First performance

  • 14. Oktober 1939, Städtische Bühnen [Municipal Theatre],  Frankfurt/ Main
    First performance of the third version (after both the first and second versions from 1917 and 1927 respectively had remained incomplete).
    Production: Robert George
    Stage design: Helmut Jürgens
    Musical direction: Hermann Laternser
  • 30. Oktober 1952, Landestheater [Regional Theatre] Darmstadt
    First performance of the fifth version.
    Production: Gustav Rudolf Sellner
    Stage design: Franz Mertz
    Musical direction: Karl List
  • 12. März 1964, Württemberg State Theatre, Stuttgart
    First performance of the sixth and final version.
    Production: Dietrich Haugk
    Stage design: Roman Weyl
    Musical direction: Klaus Nagora


Abb.: Peter Ludwig

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