«Orff® - Arts and Education»

digital • free of charge • bi-lingual

The new magazine «Orff® – Arts and Education» is online!

Carl Orff's work is timelessly relevant and continues to influence artists and teachers worldwide. Now a new magazine is dedicated to his work. Musicians and scientists who explore connections and arrive at new insights have their say. The journal also gives a voice to teachers who day by day transfer Orff's principles and basic ideas into teaching practice and pass them on to the younger generation, thereby enabling his lively concept to be constantly changed and developed over time and with the generations in accordance with his wishes.

«Orff® – Arts and Education» is published for the Orff Foundation by Schott Music in a German and an English version – exclusively in digital form. The magazine is available free of charge from the digital distribution platforms App Store (Apple), Google Play or as desktop app.

Conveniently from any digital terminal...

Two simple steps will lead you to information and suggestions about the artistic and pedagogical work of Carl Orff:

Step 1: Installation of the app

The first thing you need to do is download the Orff app to your device. You will find it on your smartphone under the keyword «Orff»in the respective app store, where you can download the app and thus open the magazine. Please find the links also here (and in the column on the right side):

or as Browser-Version (read at your Computer)

Step 2:Load & read the current issue

Click on the current issue to access the magazine. Above you can search by issue type (English/German) or year. Enjoy reading!

>  Start (englisch)   >    Publications   >   Magazine